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Please acknowledge: |
Please be sure to acknowledge the source of the data and models you take from this repository. You are welcome to use the data and models for research purposes. You are also welcome to mirror or redistribute them for free, with appropriate credit given. However, they are not to be used for commercial purposes, nor should they appear in a product for sale, without our permission. contact us |
triangulated model (high quality) |
Model information: |
Number of triangles: |
1,879,400 triangles |
Number of holes: |
0 |
Available 3D file formats: |
WRP (Raindrop Geomagic), VRML1, VRML2, DXF, IGS, IV, OBJ, OOGL, PLY, STL (ASCII), STL (BINARY) |
Comments: |
completely closed model surface with color texture (RGB) |
triangulated model (low quality) |
Model information: |
Number of triangles: |
469,850 triangles |
Number of holes: |
0 |
Available 3D file formats: |
WRP (Raindrop Geomagic), VRML1, VRML2, DXF, IGS, IV, OBJ, OOGL, PLY, STL (ASCII), STL (BINARY) |
Comments: |
completely closed model surface with color texture (RGB) |
point cloud (raw and post-worked) |
Model information: |
Number of points: |
raw: 8,316,286 points
post-worked: 2,006,798 points |
Available 3D file format: |
WRP (Raindrop Geomagic Warp File) |